Teneo Campaign

Go to Market

Brand Campaign

Campaign Run Date: 2021 – 2022
Teneo is an online-only school, with over 9000 students and more than 500 teachers, that empowers children to be future-fit and ready to thrive in the 21st Century. Having experienced great success in South Africa, the next frontier was the rest of Africa.

Towards the end of 2021, Teneo approached HOOLA in order to help them take Teneo to market in both Nigeria and Kenya. Over a year into a pandemic that had crippled education across the world and especially in emerging economies – like the ones we were targeting – meant that there were many competitors circling in the online education space.

We needed to act with surgical precision, and FAST!

We knew what was required – and even though there was a short turn around until we launched, we knew that we had to hit the books. Launching a new product in a new market would require RESEARCH! RESEARCH! RESEARCH!

What we identified is that the output for these consumers was possibility. Teneo’s accredited, expertly taught British International Curriculum was their children’s ticket to the world. It was time to launch with some cleverly tailored messaging around the possibilities that Teneo opened up, as well as the handy, functional benefits that were on offer.

We began our campaign with some laser-focused targeting on Google search, Facebook and YouTube pre-roll ads – platforms that our research had shown would be effective.

What we experienced was an overwhelming success.

The Possibility

Teneo is now firmly established on the African continent and has built strongholds in Kenya and Nigeria, with one or two other countries also seeing a surprisingly strong uptick in interest as well – Tanzania being an example.

In the 5 months that HOOLA & Teneo Africa have partnered, we’ve had nearly 300 000 visitors to our Teneo Africa site, over 130 million impressions on social media and – most importantly – 3 742 enquiries. Over 1091 applications have been started, an astounding result on a modest budget in a new market.

A lesson in striking while the iron is hot.

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