Campaign Run Date: 24 – 30 September 2022
HOOLA was commissioned by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSCTM) to develop a global campaign to celebrate the sustainable forestry efforts of Licence Holders and engage with them. FSC™ Forest Week aims to be an effective earned media and client engagement campaign.
Case Study
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Choose Forests. Choose FSC.
• Campaign strategy & concept
• Content design & production (digital & traditional media)
• Social media rollout plan
• Marketing toolkit
• Translation (9 languages)
• Media engagement
• Reporting
HOOLA developed the FSCTM Forest Week 2022 campaign, which included the global campaign strategy, concept, design and rollout. The social media assets developed for the campaign toolkit were translated into 9 different languages which allowed Licence Holders, companies and the public to engage with the campaign in their preferred language around the world.
“It was a pleasure to have the hoola team as a creative partner for our global earned media campaign. Our team was amazed by the quality of their creative work, their proactive and organized approach when working with clients, and the ability to take feedback and quickly turn it around. Thanks to the high quality creative assets, we were able to expand our social media presence by nearly 10 times.“
Ngọc Võ
Marketing Manager (Head Office: Bonn, Germany)
FSC International
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1,585 Forest Stewards
Joined the campaign
+3x from 2021
Forest steward company or individual posting about the campaign.
2,451 Conversations
The campaign has become central to 1186 conversations
+5x from 2021
Conversation = post referring to the campaign
42 Million Unique Users
From these conversations, it has attracted 96,538 interactions and helped reach out to potentially 42 million calculated unique users.
+9.5x and 3x from 2021
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